Are you looking to become pro in music production field but for free? For this, you will probably need some sort of a music making software that will enable you to get the ropes of beast and become an expert in this world eventually. If you are passionate about making music or music production and you are at the beginning then you should read this article to find out what the best free music production software you can use, some of them.
A Lot of Free Music Making Softwares Alternatives
Of course these are not the only ones. It is just a tiny list of what you should search in response to a lot of question we’ve receive about “free music production software” or “best free music making software” or, the most repetitive one, “free softwares for making beats”
If you are looking for music production software, then you can find some really good tools with fantastic features out there. The bad news is that many of these tools can be expensive. The great news is, there are also many fantastic music production tools out there that are available completely for free. You can find many really good examples of free music production software that is just as good as some of those expensive music production tools you can find in the big recording studios or you read about that huge music producers, or sound engineers or musicians are using.
By the way, I can tell you for sure that many of them are using a lot of free apps or free DAWs in many situation. In the end, the whole idea is what you put there not how you record that or produce.
To become a good music producer, you don’t need to spend tons of money investing in music production software, multitrack recorder or DAW. Instead, you can get a really good one for free that has all the capabilities of those expensive tools and invest time rather than money. In this article, we will take a look at the best free music production software available right now.
Free Music Production Software

Audacity (Windows, MAC, Linux)
Audacity is one of the most popular audio editors out there, and for good reasons. First of all, it is a free and open-source tool that has many great capabilities that music producers will appreciate. The best thing about Audacity is the fact that it offers a really simple interface that allows you to pick it up very quickly.
And while Audacity is editing software, not a digital audio workstation, you can certainly use some capabilities that the latter offer. With Audacity, you can record live audio, record playback, edit audio tracks or simple samples and process them and export them. It offers support for a wide range of file extensions, such as MP3, WAV, AIF and many more.
You can download Audacity completely for free for Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS, and Linux and start using it right now. Even though it will take some time to get the hang of it, you can learn it quickly and start using the full capabilities very quickly.
Free download Audacity or read more about it.
Apple GarageBand (MAC 10.11 or later)

Apple GarageBand has been around for 15 years, and it has perfect its interface and its capabilities to perform a wide variety of demanding tasks. If you are a macOS user and you want to enter in the music production world, then GarageBand is a no-brainer. Not only is it very easy for beginners to learn, but it also offers a very intuitive interface and many very useful tools and functions.
It is a very good option for those who are looking to get into the multitrack part of making music process. GarageBand has many awesome features that you can take advantage of. You can create some stunning projects with this software, as it offers you more than 200 songs to choose from and use them to make your own.
Also, it offers you the ability to add the DRUMMER that will provide all the tools to start making beats, which will make it easy to start everything in your project. The only drawback is that it does not offer you the option to export MIDI files and also that it is only available for macOS users. Other than that, great free music production software to look and take in consideration.
You can download GarageBand now for free from the App Store.
DarkWave Studio (Windows)

On the other side of the spectrum, we have DarkWave Studio. While GarageBand is only available for MAC users, this one can only be used by Windows users. DarkWave Studio has been one of the best free music production tools on the market since Windows XP.
The best thing about DarkWave Studio is that it allows you plenty of creative freedom when creating or start creating music. It has a very intuitive pattern editor which lets you drag and drop files to create loops that you can then arrange and edit in any way you want. Creating stunning sound sequences and tracks has never been easier.
DarkWave Studio is available to download for free for Windows users.
LMMS (Linux, Windows, MAC)

LMMS (Linux MultiMedia Studio) is an open-source, cross-platform music production tool that is available for free. Contrary to what the name says, this tool is available to download for Linux, Windows and MAC users. LMMS allows you to create great songs or beats. Besides, you can use MIDI tracks and play around with them as well.
LMMS is great for both beginners and more “advanced” users. While it offers a very easy and intuitive interface, it does enough to satisfy even those who are looking for something more. You can create melodies with the Song Editor, beats with the Beat+Bassline Editor and also create your mixes and effects with FX. All in all, LMMS is a great tool that offers a lot for free.
You can download LMMS for free from here.
Mixxx (Windows, MAC, Linux)

Last but not least on this list, we have Mixxx. Not actually a music production software Mixxx is more for those who are aspiring to become the next hottest DJ. Mixxx is a great tool to learn, but it is also very good for those of you who already have some knowledge about producing music. It can be used for some casual DJ-ing, or for creating your new song or for DJ-ing at a party.
Mixxx is available for Windows, MAC and Linux users. It offers iTunes integration, which lets you import and export your tunes easily. Another great feature that DJs will like is the fact that Mixxx offers support for DJ controllers with the built-in mappings. That way, you can have full control of the software and create amazing tunes.